1. New Design Method of Space Structures Using Beam-like Lattice Trusses International Associations of Bridge and Structual Engineering
International Symposium
[T.Suzuki, T.Ogawa, T.Takeuchi, K.Ukai, M.Kato] pp.677-685 1985.5
2. Development of Unbonded Brace Quarterly Column No.115
3. A Basic Study on the Tensile Rod Supported Glazing Int. Assoc. of Shell and Space Structures-SEIKEN
International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan
[T.Takeuchi, H.Kitamura, H.Higuchi, K.Ukai, M.Kato] pp.481-488 1993.1
4. A Practical Design and Construction of Tension Rod Supported Glazing International Associations of Shell and Space Structures -American Society of Civil Engineering
International Symposium, Atlanta, U.S.A
[T.Takeuchi, H.Kitamura, K.Harada, K.Higuchi, A.Harada, M.Iwata] pp.684-693 1994.4
5. Tube Action and Construction of Star-Shaped 80 Story Skyscraper Structual Engineers' World Congress 1998
San Francisco, U.S.A
[T.Takeuchi, David C.S.Lee, I.Kimura] pp.562-568 1998.7
6. Vibration-Control Devices For Tension Structures
Using Visco-elastic or Viscous Material with Spring
Int. Assoc. of Shell and Space Structures Int. Sym.
Nagoya, Japan
[T.Takeuchi, K.Kaneda, M.Iwata, A.Wada, M.Saitoh] pp.No.A8-49 2001.1
7. Performance Evaluation and Design of Passively Controlled Building
Using Equivalent Linerization
Structual Engineers World Comgress 2002
Yokohama, Japan
[T.Takeuchi, K.Kasai, K.Ohara, Y.Kimura, H.Nakashima] pp.T2-2-a-2 2002.1
8. Performance-Based Design of High-rise Truss Structures Using Hysteretic Dampers STESSA 2003
Napel, Italy 2003.6
[T.Takeuchi, K.Suzuki] pp.55-61 2003.6
9. Passive Vibration Control Concept for Truss Frame Structures 1st Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Engineering
[T.Takeuchi] pp.133-140 2004.3
10. Experimental Studies of Tower Structures with Hysteretic Dampers Smart Structures Technologies and Earthquake Eng., SE'04
[T.Takeuchi, T.Uchiyama, K.Suzuki, Y.Ookouchi, T.Sugiyama, T.Ogawa, S.Kato] pp.483-488 2004.7
11. Hysteresis Model of Steel Material For The Buckling Restrained Brace
Considering The Strain Rate Dependency
13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.006
[S.Yamada, S.Kishiki, T.Takeuchi, A.Wada] 2004.8
12. New Ductile Frames Limiting Damage to Connection Elements
at the Bottom Flange of Beam-Ends
13th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.059
[S.Kishiki, S.Yamada, T.Takeuchi, A.Wada] 2004.8
13. Response Evaluation of Medium-Span Lattice Domes with Substructures Int. Assoc. of Shell and Space Structures Int. Sym.
Monpellier, France
[T.Takeuchi, T.Ogawa, M.Nakagawa, T.Kumagai] pp.TP076 2004.9
14. Seismic Retrofit of Tower Structures with Buckling Restrained Dampers 2nd. Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Engineering
[T.Takeuchi] pp.119-124 2004.3
15. Buckling Behavior of Compressive Tubular Columns with Additional Buckling Restrainer Int. Assoc. of Shell and Space Structures Int. Sym.
Bucharest, Romania
[K.Suzuki, T.Takeuchi, T.Uchiyama, T.Sugiyama, T.Ogawa, S.Kato] pp.45-52 2005.9
16. Experimental Studies of Tower Structures With Hysteretic Dampers Int. Assoc. of Shell and Space Structures Int. Sym.
Bucharest, Romania
[Y.Ookouchi, T.Takeuchi, T.Uchiyama, K.Suzuki, T.Sugiyama, T.Ogawa, S.Kato] 2005.9
17. Response Evaluation of Lattice Domes with Elasto-Plastic Substructures
Using Amplification Factors
Int. Assoc. of Shell and Space Structures Int. Sym.
Bucharest, Romania
[T.Kumagai, T.Takeuchi, A.Nakama, T.Ogawa] pp.383-390 2005.9
18. Response Evaluation of Cylindrical Lattice Shell Roofs
with Substructures Using Amplification Factors
Int. Assoc. of Shell and Space Structures Int. Sym.
Bucharest, Romania
[T.Takeuchi, T.Ogawa, C.Yamagata, T.Kumagai] pp.391-398 2005.9
19. Seismic Behabior of Beam-column Connections Based on Damage-controlles-design 3rd. Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[S.Kishiki, S.Yamada, T.Takeuchi, A.Wada] pp.407-414 2006.3
20. Seismic Retrofit of Existing Building with Hysteretic Dampers 3rd. Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[T.Takeuchi, K.Yasuda, K.Yuasa, M.Iwata] pp.489-496 2006.3
21. Progress in E-defense Shaking Table Experiments
of Full-scale 5-story Building with Dampers
3rd. Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[K.Kasai, Ooki, S.Motoyui, T.Takeuchi] pp.743-752 2006.3
22. Estimation of Cumulative Deformation Capacity for Elasto-plastic Dampers Steel Structures in Seismic Area 2006
Yokohama, Japan
[T.Takeuchi, M.Ida, S.Yamada, K.Suzuki] pp.793-799 2006.8
23. Studies on Integrated Building Facade Engineering
with High-Performance Structural Elements
Int. Assoc. of Bridge and Structural Eng., Int. Sym.
[T.Takeuchi, K.Yasuda, M.Iwata] pp.442-443 2006.1
24. Recent Developments in Passive Control Technologies for Metal Spatial Structures Int. Assoc. of Shell and Space Structures Int. Sym.
Beijing, China
[T.Takeuchi, S.D.Xue, S.Kato, T.Ogawa, M.Fujimoto, S,Nakazawa] pp.398-399 2006.1
25. Seismic Retrofit of Exsisting Buildings with Buckling Restrained Braces 4th Int. Sym. on Steel Structures
[T.Takeuchi, K.Yasuda, M.Iwata] pp.94-101 2006.11
26. Recent Developments in Passive Control Technologies for Spatial Structures 4th. Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[T.Takeuchi, S.D.Xue, S.Kato, T.Ogawa, M.Fujimoto, S,Nakazawa] pp.313-320 2007.3
27. Steel Plate Applied Friction Connector 4th. Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[H.Sakata, T.Takeuchi, K.Matsuda, A.Tomimoto] pp.407-414 2007.3
28. E-Defense Tests on Full-Scale Steel Buildings
Part 1 - Experiments using Dampers and Isolatoers
Structural Congress 2007 ASCE
Long Beach, USA
[K.Kasai, T.Takeuchi, Y.Ooki, S.Motoyui, Y.Matsuoka] pp.247-17 2007.5
29. E-Defense Tests on Full-Scale Steel Buildings
Part 4 - Multipurpose Test Bed for Efficient Experiments
Structural Congress 2007 ASCE
Long Beach, USA
[T.Takeuchi, K.Kasai, M.Midorikawa, Y.Matsuoka ] pp.247-20 2007.5
30. Seismic Response Evaluation of Lattice Roofs Supported by Multistory Substructures Int. Assoc. of Shell and Space Structures Int. Sym
Venice, Italy
[T.Takeuchi, T.Kumagai, H.Shirabe, T.Ogawa] 2007.12
31. Shaking Table Test Using Multipurpose Test-Bed Proc. of Fifth Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[T.Takeuchi, K.Kasai, M.Midorikawa, Y.Matsuoka, T.Asakawa, I.Kubodera, Y.Kurikawa, H.Ando, S.Kishiki] 2008.3
32. E-Defense Tests on Full-Scale Steel Buildings
Part 4 - Free Vibration Tests of Multipurpose Test Bed
Structural Congress 2008 ASCE
Vancouver, Canada
[T.Takeuchi, K.Kasai, M.Midorikawa, Y.Matsuoka, T.Asakawa, I.Kubodera, Y.Kurikawa, H.Ando, S.Kishiki] 2008.4
33. Effects of Natural Period and Mass of Substructures
on Seismic Responsesof Arch Structuressubjected to Horizontal Motions
Acapulco, Mexico
[T.Kumagai, T.Takeuchi, T.Ogawa] pp.153-154 2008.9
34. Seismic Response Evaluation of High-rise Lattice Domes
with Substructures using Amplification Factors
Acapulco, Mexico
[T.Takeuchi, T.Kumagai, S.Okayama, T.Ogawa] pp.269-270 (CD-ROM:pp.1-8) 2008.9
35. Local Buckling Restraint Condition for Core Plates in Buckling Restrained Braces 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Beijing, China
[R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi, J.F.Hajjar, K.Nishimoto, I.D.Aiken] 2008.10
36. Shaking Table Test using Multipurpose Test Bed 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Beijing, China
[T.Takeuchi, K.Kasai, M.Midorikawa, Y.Matsuoka, T.Asakawa,
I.Kubodera, Y.Kurokawa, S.Kishiki, H.Ando]
37. Development of the core-suspended Isolation System 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Beijing, China
[Y.Nakamura, M.Saruta, T.Nakanishi, A.aWada, T.Takeuchi, S.Hikone, T.Takahashi] 2008.10
38. Seismic Response Evaluation of Lattice Roofs with Substructures Proc. of Sixth Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[T.Takeuchi, T.Ogawa, T.Kumagai] 2009.3
39. Vibration Tests of Arch Structures Supported by Substructures with Various Natural Periods and Mass Subjected to Horizontal Earthquake Motions Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering
Tokyo, Japan
[T.Kumagai, T.Takeuchi, T.Ogawa] pp. 717-722, 2009.3
40. Local Buckling Failure Conditions for Buckling Restrained Braces 6th Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
Tokyo, Japan
[R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi, J.F.Hajjar, K.Nishimoto, I.D.Aiken] 2009.3
41. State-of-Arts View on Response Control Technologies on Metal Space Structures IASS2009
Valencia, Spain
[T.Takeuchi, T.Kumagai, T.Ogawa] pp.104-105 2009.10
42. Response Evaluation of Seismically Isolated Lattice Domes using Amplification Factors IASS2009
Valencia, Spain
[K.Takamatsu, T.Takeuchi, T.Kumagai, T.Ogawa] pp.120-121 2009.10
43. Dynamic Response of Cylindrical Lattice Shell Roofs
under Horizontal Earthquake Motions with Arbitary Direction by Shaking Table Tests
Valencia, Spain
[T.Kumagai, T.Takeuchi,I.Suzuki, T.Ogawa] pp.130 2009.10
44. Seismic Retrofitting using Energy Dissipation Facades ATC-SEI09
San Francisco, USA
[T.Takeuchi, K.Yasuda, M.Iwata] 2009.12
45. Response Control of Lattice Dome Roofs using Seismic Isolation Proc. of Seventh Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[T.Takeuchi, K.Takamatsu, T.Kumagai, T.Ogawa] 2010.3
46. Effective Buckling Length of Buckling Restrained Braces Considering Rotational Stiffness at Restrainer Ends 7th Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
Tokyo, Japan
[R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi, K.Nishimoto, S.Takahashi, T.Ohyama] 2010.3
47. Seismic Retrofit of Steel-structure School Gymnasia with Energy Dissipation Braces IASS2010
Shanghai, China
[T.Takeuchi, Y.Tsutsumi, T.Kumagai, T.Ogawa] 2010.11
48. Seismic Design of Recent Projects on Tokyo Tech O-okayama Campus Proc. of Eighth Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[T.Takeuchi] 2011.3
49. Effect of Brace Fracture on Seismic Performance of Braced Frame 8th Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
Tokyo, Japan
[R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi] 2011.3
50. Earthquake Resilient Steel Braced Frames with Controlled Rocking and Energy Dissipating Fuses EUROSTEEL 2011
[G.Deierlein, X.Ma, M.Eatherton, J.Hajjar, H.Krawinkler, T.Takeuchi, K.Kasai, M.Midorikawa] 2011.8
51. Shaking Table Test of Controlled Rocking Frames Using Multipurpose Test Bed EUROSTEEL 2011
[T.Takeuchi, M.Midorikawa, K.Kasai, G.Deierlein, X.Ma, J.F.Hajjar, T.Hikino] 2011.8
52. Effect of Yielding of Roof Members on Seismic Response of Lattice Dome IABSE-IASS 2011
London, UK
[T.Kumagai, T.Takeuchi, T.Ogawa] 2011.9
53. Buckling and Seismic Response of Grid Shell with Cylindrical Joints IABSE-IASS 2011
London, UK
[T.Takeuchi, H.Nakayama, T.Ogawa] 2011.9
54. Seismic Performance of Braced Frame Focusing on Brace Fracture IABSE-IASS 2011
London, UK
[R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi] 2011.9
55. Effect of local buckling of core plate on cumulative deformation capacity in buckling restrained braces Proceedings of Stessa 2012
[R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi] pp.607-613 2012.1
56. Out-of-Plane Stability of Buckling Restrained Braces Including Their Connections 9th Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
& 4th Asia Conf. on Earthquake Eng.
[T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui, T.Tada] pp.989-996 2012.3
57. Damages of School Facilities in the Great East Japan Earthquake 9th Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
& 4th Asia Conf. on Earthquake Eng.
[T.Takeuchi] pp.75-80 2012.3
58. Seismic Design of New Library at Tokyo Institute of Technology IASS-APCS 2012
[T.Takeuchi] FF422(CD-ROM) 2012.5
59. Seismic Performance of Tubular Truss Tower Structures Taking Member Fracture into Account IASS-APCS 2012
[R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi, Y.Nakamur] FF137(CD-ROM) 2012.5
60. Design of Suspended Glass Ceiling Structure in High Seismic Hazard Zones Challenging Glass 3
[T.Takeuchi, K.Sugizaki, K.Yasuda] pp.129-137 2012.6
61. Out-of-plane Stability of Buckling-Restrained Braces including their Connections 15th World Conf. on Earthquake Eng.
[T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui, T.Tada] 2012.9
62. Cumulative Deformation Capacity of Buckling Restrained Braces Taking Local Buckling of Core Plates into Account 15th World Conf. on Earthquake Eng.
[R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi] 2012.9
63. Retrofit of Damaged Gymnasia and Towers according to Response Control Concept 10th Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[T.Takeuchi] pp.17-24, 2013.3
64. Effects of Core Plates Local Buckling for Cumulative Deformation Capacity of Buckling Restrained Braces 10th Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi] pp.881-887, 2013.3
65. Vibration Tests on Single Layer Lattice Domes subjected to Horizontal Bi-directional Earthquake Motions 10th Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[T.Kumagai, T.Ozawa, T.Takeuchi, T.Ogawai] pp.933-938 2013.3
66. Seismic Retrofitting Design Method of Existing RC Building with Buckling Restrained Braces 10th Int. Conf. on Urban Earthquake Eng.
[Fatih Sutcu, T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui] pp.1545-1550 2013.3
67. Response Evaluation of Seismic-Isolated Lattice Roof Structure using Secant-Stifness at Ultimate Deformation 13th World Conference on Seismic Isolation
Energy Dissipation and Active Vibration Control of Structures
[M.Yoshida, T.Takeuchi, T.KUmagai, T.Ogawa] 2013.9
68. Retrofit of Damaged Gymnasia According to Response Control Concept Proceedings of IASS2013
[T.Takeuchi] 2013.9
69. Experimental and analytical studies of flange joint system for single-layer steel lattice shell structure Proceedings of IASS2014
[Y.Matsuoka, T.Takeuchi, Y.Nakamura, T.Kurata] 2014.9
70. Seismic Performance of Various Spine Frames with Energy Dissipation Members Proc. 5AECC(Taipei)
[X.Chen, T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui] 2014.10
71. Response Control of Cantilevered RC Walls in Gymnasia with Energy-Dissipation Bearings Proc. 5AECC(Taipei)
[Y.Terazawa, T.Takeuchi, K.Narita, R.Matsui] 2014.10
72. Out-of-plane Stability Factors for Diagonally Installed Buckling Restrained Braces Proc. 5AECC(Taipei)
[S.Mihara, T.Takeuchi, H.Ozaki, R.Matsui] 2014.10
73. Out-of-plane Stability Factors for Diagonally Installed Buckling Restrained Braces Proc. 5AECC(Taipei)
[Y.Hoashi, Y.Konishi, R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi] 2014.10
74. Seismic Performance of School Gymnasia with Steel Roofs Supported by Cantilevered RC Walls Frames Proc. 5AECC(Taipei)
[K.Narita, T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui] 2014.10
75. Lateral Bracing Requirements for H-section Beams with Supports Attached to Top Flange Subjected to Cyclic Antisymmetric Moment Proc. 5AECC(Taipei)
[R.Matsui, Y.Yamaura, T.Takeuchi] 2014.10
76. New Design Approaches for Passively Controlled Structures Structural Engineering Frontier Conference 2015
[T.Takeuchi] 2015.3
77. Structural Design with Seismic Energy-dissipation Concept IABSE 2015, Proceedings of IABSE 2015
[T.Takeuchi] May. 2015.5
78. Out-of-plane Stability Assessment of Buckling-restrained Braces with Chevron Configurations STESSA 2015, Proceedings of STESSA 2015
[T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui, S.Mihara] 2015.7
79. Stability Assessment of Buckling-restrained Braces Including Moment Transfer Capacity at Restrainer-ends Proc. 8ISSS2016(Jeju)
[T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui] 2015.11
80. Seismic response evaluation of lattice shell roofs using seismically isolated bearings Proceedings of IASS2016
T.Takeuchi, T.Miyazaki, T.Ogawa] 2016.9
81. Optimal damper distribution for seismic retrofit by using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm implementing non-linear response analysis Proceedings of IASS2016
[K.Fujishita, F.Sutcu, R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi] 2016.9
82. State-of-art Stability Assessment of Buckling-restrained Braces including Connections Proceedings of 16WCEE
[T. Takeuchi, R. Matsui, B. Sitler, G. MacRae] 2017
83. Seismic Design of Buckling-restrained Brace in Preventing the Local Bulging Failure 4th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji & Tokyo Tech
[PC Lin, T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui, B. Sitler] 2017.6
84. Damage Evaluation of Beam-ends in Concentrically Braced Steel Frames during Long-period and Long-duration Ground Motions 4th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji & Tokyo Tech
[Y.Inaba, R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi] 2017.6
85. Buckling-Restrained Brace: History, Design and Applications 9STESSA/ Vol. 763, pp. 50-60
[T.Takeuchi] 2018.2
86. Collapse Analysis of Steel Frames Considering Fracture of Braces and End of Beams 9STESSA, Vol. 763, pp. 686-693
[R.Matsui, S.Urui, M.Tokunou, T.Takeuchi] 2018.2
87. Flexural Properties of Buckling-Restrained Brace Connections 9STESSA, Vol. 763, pp. 916-923
[B.Sitler, T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui] 2018.2
88. Seismic Design of Buckling-Restrained Brace in Preventing Local Buckling Failure 9STESSA, Vol. 763, pp. 875-883
[P.C.Lin, T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui, B.Sitler] 2018.2
89. Buckling-Restrained Brace Stability Evaluation, Emprical Basis and Design Implications Emprical Basis and Design Implications/11NCEE
[B.Sitler, T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui, P.C. Lin] 2018.2
90. Shake Table Testing of Steel Braced Frame Considering Member Fracture 9STESSA, Vol. 763, pp. 347-353
[Y.Terazawa, R.Matsui, T.Takeuchi] 2018.2
91. Collapse analysis of damaged space-frame gymnasiums in Kumamoto Earthquake 2016 IASS2018
[T.Takeuchi, Y.Terazawa, S.Inanaga, R.Mastui] 2018.6
92. Elasto-plastic Damper Optimization Routine for Lattice Tower Based on Generalized Response Spectrum Analysis IASS2018
[Y.Terazawa, T.Takeuchi] 2018.6
93. Buckling and dynamic behaviors of metal-timber composite grid shell roof IASS2018
[H.Harada, S.Nakajima, N.Iriguchi, R.Matsui, Y.Yamazaki, H.Sakata, T.Takeuchi] 2018.6
94. Design of gymnasium roof structure with enrgy-dissipation damper bearing IASS2018
[T.Kurata, S.Sawaki, Y.Konishi, Y.Iwamoto, K.Nishimoto, X.Yan, T.Takeuchi] 2018.6
95. Seismic Performance of Outrigger System Incorporating Buckling-Restrained Braces, 7th Asia Cinference on Earthquake Engineering ID ACEE0010
[PC Lin, T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui] 2018.11
96. Buckling strength of timber grid shell roof with steel connections considering rotational stiffness IASS2019
[S.Nakajima, Y.Terazawa,T.Takeuchi,T.Ogawa, Y.Yamazaki, H.Sakata] 2019.10
97. Seismic response evaluation of large spanned dome supported by muti-storey substructure incorporating spine frames IASS2019
[D.Nair, T.Takeuchi] 2019.10
98. Layout optimization of elasto-plastic dampers for steel braced tubes based on generalized response spectrum analysis IASS2019
[Y.Terazawa, T.Takeuchi] 2019.10
99. Lateral buckling performance test of a roof beam braced with a grid-purlin system PSSC2019
[T.Takeuchi, R.Matsui, K.Koizumi] 2019.10
100. Design and performance of long buckling-restrained braces with rectangular cores 17WCEE, 2g-0023
[T.Takeuchi, B.Sitler] 2020.9
101. Seismic Performance of damped-outrigger system incorporating buckling-restrained braces 17WCEE, 2g-0005
[P.C.Lin, T.Takeuchi] 2020.9
102. Reducing residual drift with multistage buckling-restrained braces 17WCEE, 2g-0022
[B.Sitler, T.Takeuchi] 2020.9
103. Experimental study on buckling restrained braces (BRBs) with post-tensioned carbon fiber composite cables (CFCCs) 17WCEE, 2g-0025
[K.Atasever, S.Inanaga, Y.Terazawa, T.Takeuchi, O.C.Celik] 2020.9
104. BRB design optimization for a large arena structure based on Generalized Response Spectrum Analysis 17WCEE, 2g-0028
[Y.Terazawa, T.Takeuchi, M.Fijishima] 2020.9
105. Comparing Hysteretic Behavior of RC Frames Retrofitted with Low-Yield-Point Steel Core BRB and Perforated Steel Plate Shear Wall 17WCEE, 2g-0032
[F.Sutcu, A.Bal, K.Fujishita, R.Matsui, O.C.Celik, T.Takeuchi] 2020.9
106. Seismic Response Characteristics of long-span domes: Roof-substructure interaction 17WCEE, 2g-0102
[D.Nair, B.Sitler, Y.Terazawa, T.Takeuchi] 2020.9
107. Seismic Retrofit for RC buildings using using elasto-plastic and vicous dampers implemented with elastic steel frames 17WCEE, 2c-0108
[P.Saingam, T.Takeuchi, F.Sutcu, Y.Terazawa, P.C.Lin] 2020.9
108. BRB design optimization for a large arena structure based on generalized response spectrum analysis 17WCEE, 2c-0108
[Y.Terazawa, T.Takeuchi, M.Fujishima] 2020.12
109. Seismic performance of damped-outrigger system incorporating buckling-restrained braces 17WCEE, 2c-0108
[P.C.Lin, T.Takeuchi] 2020.12
110. Bucklingstrength of latticed domes with grid-purlins and I-beams IASS 2020-21
[T.Takeuchi, K.Suma, Y.Terazawa, M.Iwanaga] 2021.9
111. Shake-table test of a partial model of a roller-supported steel roof, Part 2 Test for reproducing earthquake damage IASS 2020-21
[J.Fujiwara, A.Kishida, Y.Terazawa, T.Takeuchi, K.Nishimura, T. Yamashita, Y.Konishi, R.Kishizawa, K.Nishikawa, R.Kajiwara] 2021.9
112. Computational morphogenesis based on generalized response spectrum analysis considering both dead load and seismic response of metal gridshell with buckling-restrained braces Proceeding, IASS-APCS 2022
[Y.Terazawa, A.Niimi, D.Nair, T.Takeuchi] 2022.9
113. Preliminary seismic design of double-layered domes with nonlinear substructures Proceeding, IASS-APCS 2022
[D.Nair, Y.Terazawa, T.Takeuchi] 2022.9
114. Seismic reduction factor for double-layered domes supported by single-story substructures Proceeding, IASS 2023 (Melbourne)
[Y.Terazawa, H.Shijo, D.Nair, T.Takeuchi] 2023.7